We are excited to announce the Slate of Officers up for election to the LDA of Michigan Board of Directors!
Co-Presidents: Crystal Young, Ph.D & Lisa Woodcock-Burroughs, Ph.D
Secretary: Julie Bowers-Stohl
Treasurer: Debra Houde
To 3-Year Position: Erin Rooney
Because this has been a year of rebuilding and refocusing our efforts and resource, we will not be having a physical Annual Meeting with all of our membership. We are presenting this slate electronically for feedback from membership. Current members have received the ballot and update in an email message. It will have been a Survey Monkey based message.
If you are a current member and would rather vote online right now, click this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2RJ2ZM6.
Voting will be open until Tuesday, December 13.
Not a current member? Join today at LDA America!