Healthy Children Project in Michigan

The Healthy Children Project is a project of the Learning Disabilities Association of America. In 2002, the Learning Disabilities Association of America created the Healthy Children Project to:

  • raise awareness of environmental factors, particularly toxic chemicals, that can harm brain development, contributing to learning disabilities and behavior disorders.
  • promote policies and practices to prevent toxic chemical exposures, especially among pregnant women and children.
  • build a nationwide network of LDA members working to protect children’s health and reduce toxic exposures that may lead to learning disabilities in current and future generations.

Environmental Factors and Chemicals Impacting Michigan’s Children

We have known for years it is not enough to test children for lead, we need to eliminate the source of the exposure. This is good for children as well as our state. Reducing the healthcare, special education, and other costs resulting from lead exposure is a win for everyone.

Testimony Against Proposed Amendments to the BSEED Amendments to the Proposed Maintenance Code Rental Ordinance impacting sections relating to Certificates of Compliance and Lead Clearance in rental properties, Sep. 2021.

The Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) shares the distress of parents and professionals across the country over the situation in Flint, Michigan. The damage that has been done, and will continue to be done, by the contaminated water supply of Flint, is of immediate concern. – Jan. 2015

Letter to the Editor, Jan. 2015 

Download the PDF version of the Letter


Galaxolide is a synthetic musk, a commonly used fragrance ingredient found in household products. Galaxolide is widely used by cleaning and personal care product companies and can be found in many products including surface cleaners, laundry products, air fresheners, cosmetics and perfumes. The use of Galaxolide has been steadily increasing in the United States over the last 30 years,

Facts About Galaxolide (downloadable pdf) 

Other LDA of MI Actions to Protect Michigan’s Children: